The Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP) (2019 onwards)

There are many technical aspects of the transition to a low carbon economy. The ALoMCP web application was commissioned by the energy industry Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) and National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) to address one of them.

The programme requires generation owners to modify or change relays and other devices to meet new guidelines for loss of mains protection outlined in ENA Engineering Recommendation G59. The first component of the programme is a process intensive application for funding from NGESO via DNOs whereby the generator can claim up to £4,000 per relay that is replaced. This goes through a complex workflow process requiring the applicant to input technical data about their installation and then requiring agreement in principle from the DNO first and then from NGESO before processing the data through various steps until the generation owner enters details of the changed/new loss of mains settings, is then paid by the DNO and the DNO reimbursed by NGESO. The system also allows downloads in CSV format, which differ according to authorisation levels and, due to their size, have to be built by a scheduled process that runs each morning rather than on-demand. The system is built in .NET and SQL Server and the database is encrypted to meet the high standards of privacy requested by the programme team. A further module was added in June 2021 that allows generation owners whose equipment is already compliant to submit a declaration of compliance via a web form carefully designed to capture the minimum data required to be useful to DNOs/NGESO and encourage generators to submit technical information where it is available.